Experimenting with Rust, Nix, K6 and Parca

Table of Contents
Introduction #
Over the past couple of weeks, I’ve been teaching myself Rust. I don’t have a pressing need to write much Rust right now, but I’m intrigued by the promises of memory safety, and have been increasingly impressed at the quality of some of the software that the community produces. I also think that the concepts popularised by Rust, such as the borrow checker, will stick around in computing for many years to come and I’d like to have more hands-on experience with that.
The Rust language also encourages the ideas of safety and soundness - sound code is (approximately) code that can’t cause memory corruption or exhibit undefined behaviour. You can read more in this excellent post Safety and Soundness in Rust.
This blog post started out life as a post about Rust and my experience learning it, but I got interested in the performance of the server implementation I came up with and the post evolved into a post more about profiling and load testing!
Learning Rust #
It’s been a little while since I dug into a new programming language, so I thought I’d mention how I went about it. In general I’m someone who learns best “by doing”. I normally try to read through some of the basic concepts, then jump to a project that will enable me to exercise them quite quickly. Fortunately, Rust has an excellent official guide in the form of the Rust Book, which covers everything from the obligatory Hello, World!
, to concurrency, memory safety, publishing packages on crates.io and more. I thoroughly recommend it.
I’ve also picked up a copy of Rust for Rustaceans which was recommended by a couple of different colleagues - I intend to work through this next.
So, after working through the Rust Book over the course of about a week in my spare time, I needed a project!
Rewriting gosherve
in Rust #
In my first post on this blog I talked about a small Go project I wrote several years ago named gosherve
. This was one of my first Go projects - a simple web server that can serve some static assets, and a set of short-links/redirects which are specified in a Github Gist. It’s been happily running my website for several years, and it felt like a small, but ambitious enough project for my first adventure into Rust - particuarly as over the years gosherve
has grown Prometheus metrics and the ability to serve assets from an embedded filesystem.
As I anticipated, naming the new project was the hardest part. I landed on servy, at least for now. I’m reasonably happy with the code - at the time of writing:
- It can serve redirects
- It can serve embedded web assets
- It provides a metrics server on a separate port
- It has reasonable unit/integration test coverage
One of the things I love about Go is the built-in ability to embed static assets into a binary through the //go:embed
directive, which gives you a pointer to an embedded filesystem. I was able to achieve a similar effect in Rust with axum-embed
, which in turn builds upon rust-embed
I used Nix to create different variants of the build (i.e. a “vanilla” build, and one that serves my website by creating a derivation just for the web content, and another for the jnsgruk
You can run a copy of this website (frozen in time just before I wrote this post!) by running nix run github:jnsgruk/servy#jnsgruk
, or build a container for it by running nix build github:jnsgruk/servy#jnsgruk-container
I was expecting the Rust binary to be quite a lot smaller. I’m not sure why. The old (Go) binary weighs in at 68MB, where the new Rust binary comes in at 67MB.
So I was right! I guess?! The result here is relatively uninteresting - a good chunk of both binaries is just the static assets (images!) that make up this site. At the time of writing the jnsgruk-content
derivation evaluates at around 57MB - meaning there is 10MB and 9MB respectively for Go and Rust added by the actual server code.
Basic Load Testing with k6
I’ve been looking for an excuse to play with k6 for a while. According to the documentation:
Grafana k6 is an open-source, developer-friendly, and extensible load testing tool. k6 allows you to prevent performance issues and proactively improve reliability.
In very simple terms, to use k6
you define a script (in Javascript) that outlines a set of requests to make, their success criteria and (optionally) the strategy for ramping up load on the server. It has many more features than I used for this project, but I was impressed with how simple it was to get started. I began by running the following (grabbing k6
from nixpkgs
Now I just needed to work out what I wanted to test! I wanted a relatively simple test that requested a mix of web assets and redirects for a sustained period, to see how much throughput I could achieve with each of the server implementations. The template came with some sensible setup for the number of VUs (virtual users) and duration of the test:
VUs are an emulation of a user interacting with your service; each of them is an agent which will execute the test script. Each time the script is executed (by a VU), that’s known as an “iteration”.
I wanted to test a variety of requests, so I first generated a list of valid URLs for my server. I used cariddi
which is a web crawler written in Go, combined with jq
to create a list of valid paths in a JSON file:
Similarly I generated a list of valid redirects:
Now in my k6
script, I was able to read those files to create a list of URLs to batch GET
during the load test:
I’m using a pretty naive check function here, though they can be expanded to check for other conditions in the response body, the size of the response, etc.
You can see my final test script on Github.
Finally, I ran k6
and let it rip! This initial run was against servy
, running on my workstation:
Nice! Between the 10 VUs we configured, k6
managed nearly 8000 iterations, and my new server responded with a total of 148GB of data!
Nix-ified Load Testing #
Now I’d figured out the basics of k6
, I wanted to create some infrastructure that would allow me to run load tests in consistent environments against both old and new implementations of my server.
A couple of ideas came to mind here - the first of which was the NixOS integration test driver. I absolutely love this feature of Nix, and the scripts for interacting with the driver are nice and simple to maintain. One slight irritation in this case is that the test machines don’t have access to the internet - which is where the redirects map is fetched from in my precompiled server binaries. It’s certainly possible to get clever with a fake redirects server and some DNS shennanigans in the test machines, but I opted instead to build simple nixosConfiguration
s which could be started as VMs, similar to the approach taken in a previous post.
I wanted to automate:
- The creation of a VM with both the Go and Rust versions of my server
- The generation of the
files I created above - Running the
load test - Fetching the results from the load test
Defining Test VMs #
I created a new repository with a flake.nix
which took nixpkgs
, my jnsgr.uk
repo and my servy
repo as inputs, pinned to the latest revisions at the time of writing:
Next up I needed a virtual machine definition, which I first defined as a nixosConfiguration
in the flake’s outputs:
The actual machine configuration lives in vm.nix. This is a standard NixOS configuration, with the addition of some elements that define the specs of the virtual machine used to boot it (cores, memory, disk, etc.). In this case the machine is configured with just a root
user, and the password password
. This is not an ideal setup from a security standpoint, but these VMs were only run on my workstation (behind NAT) for a short period of time and the plain text password eased the automation I’m about to describe. A more robust approach would have been to put my SSH public keys into the authorized keys definition for the user, but then you folks wouldn’t have been able to play along as easily!
In this particular configuration, the VM is set up like so:
With that in place, we can now boot the VM (in the background):
Wrapping k6
Now on to automating the test itself. When configuring the VM, I made sure to include a systemd
unit for each of the server implementations, so next I wanted to write a simple script that would execute the load test for each implementation and fetch the results.
Before that, I modified the k6
script to not only output a report to stdout
, but also to a text file, a JSON file and a rendered HTML file (I didn’t know at the time which I’d prefer, and I wanted to survey the options!). I achieved this by defining the handleSummary
function in the k6
First I scripted the generation of the paths and the execution of the test script, and packaged the combination up as a Nix package for installation into the test machine. This is just a bash
script which ensures only the specified implementation is running (with systemd
), generates the list of URLs to test and then runs k6
against the server. That script is packaged as a Nix package called k6test
which contains both my bash
script and the k6
test script; the Nix package is then added to the VM configuration.
Automating Test Execution #
I borrowed the vm-exec
script from a past project, renaming it benchvm-exec
, and created a new script called benchvm-test
This was the final piece of the puzzle for now; after building and packaging this script and defining the test VM as a package in the flake, I’d enabled the following workflow:
Excellent! Now on to some actual testing!
Initial Load Test Results #
Having seen the results for servy
earlier, I started up the existing gosherve
based server and ran the same test, only to discover quite a delta in the results. Where servy
managed 4.9 GB/s throughout the test, gosherve
only achieved 697 MB/s (sending 21GB in total). The full results are in the details box below, but overall it managed much lower performance across the board on the measurements that k6
Initial gosherve
load-test results
checks.........................: 100.00% ✓ 189449 ✗ 0 data_received..................: 21 GB 697 MB/s data_sent......................: 26 MB 848 kB/s http_req_blocked...............: avg=2.02µs min=400ns med=1.42µs max=19.76ms p(90)=2.29µs p(95)=2.77µs http_req_connecting............: avg=203ns min=0s med=0s max=19.52ms p(90)=0s p(95)=0s http_req_duration..............: avg=9.3ms min=29.49µs med=9.36ms max=152.39ms p(90)=13.16ms p(95)=14.76ms { expected_response:true }...: avg=9.3ms min=29.49µs med=9.36ms max=152.39ms p(90)=13.16ms p(95)=14.76ms http_req_failed................: 0.00% ✓ 0 ✗ 189449 http_req_receiving.............: avg=106.56µs min=4.88µs med=48.7µs max=6.01ms p(90)=215.06µs p(95)=381.38µs http_req_sending...............: avg=4.81µs min=950ns med=3.97µs max=19.71ms p(90)=5.93µs p(95)=6.98µs http_req_tls_handshaking.......: avg=0s min=0s med=0s max=0s p(90)=0s p(95)=0s http_req_waiting...............: avg=9.19ms min=22.85µs med=9.26ms max=152.2ms p(90)=12.96ms p(95)=14.51ms http_reqs......................: 189449 6281.256789/s iteration_duration.............: avg=268.14ms min=176.88ms med=250.61ms max=433.23ms p(90)=334.14ms p(95)=342.1ms iterations.....................: 1121 37.1672/s vus............................: 10 min=10 max=10 vus_max........................: 10 min=10 max=10
I was quite surprised by this: my expectation was that the Go HTTP server would outperform what I’d put together in Rust. I decided to look a little deeper and see if I could figure out why, or at least why the delta was so big.
Profiling gosherve
with Parca #
For last couple of years, I’ve been playing with Parca, which is a continuous profiling tool written in Go by the folks at Polar Signals. I wrote about it back in 2022 on Charmhub, demonstrating how Parca could be used for profiling applications deployed with Juju.
Instrumenting gosherve
There are two components to the open source Parca offering - the server backend, and a zero-instrumentation, eBPF-based agent which can be used for on-CPU profiling of any workload. Because gosherve
is Go based, I didn’t need the agent so long as I enabled the pprof
endpoint in my server, which is trivial for almost any Go application. I took main.go
and applied the following changes to ensure that I could hit the pprof
endpoints on port 6060
Next I fired up Parca (having first packaged it for NixOS 😉) and configured it to scrape the new jnsgruk
binary while I ran the same test against it, which resulted in the following profile (which you can explore yourself on pprof.me):
Looking at this, we can see that around a third of the time was spent in garbage collection. This seemed high; it was more prominent on this run than others but it was persistently a high portion of the CPU time. Something to loop back to! However, inside the route handler itself there are two things that stood out to me:
Initial optimisations #
In the red box, you can see about a third of the time spent in the route handler was in creating SHA1 sums, which is happening here to calculate the ETag for content before serving it. This could probably be optimised - either by changing how the ETag is calculated (i.e. not hashing the whole file contents), or by caching ETags in memory, particularly given that in the case of my website, gosherve
only serves assets which are embedded (read only) in the binary, so the ETag will never change for a given file for a particular compiled binary.
In the blue box, we can see that another third of the time spent is on refreshing the redirects. This seemed strange; the redirects don’t change throughout the life of the test, and we’re only requesting known redirects from our redirects.json
file. This seemed much more likely to be a culprit in the poor load test results, because unlike calculating a SHA1 sum (which is almost entirely CPU-bound), this function is making an outbound (TLS) connection to Github and potentially blocking on IO before parsing the response, rechecking the redirects map for a match, etc.
As I looked at the code, I noticed an obvious (and somewhat embarrassing!) mistake I’d made when implementing gosherve
. Because the server tries to parse redirects before looking for files with a matching path, every request for a file causes the redirects map to be updated from its upstream source 🤦. Looking back at the new servy
implementation, I hadn’t made the same mistake - perhaps this was the reason the Rust version was so much faster?
I made a small change to gosherve
and re-ran the test, which resulted in this profile and quite a substantial bump in request performance!
The overall throughput increased by five times, with a decrease in latency across the board. Still around a third less overall throughput than the Rust server, but a huge improvement nonetheless.
I subsequently experimented with (naively) removing the ETag calculation to see whether or not it was worth implementing some caching - but it actually resulted in very little difference in throughput and CPU utilisation. Besides, while the calculation takes some CPU time, in a real-life deployment it reduces the overall load on the server by ensuring that http.ServeContent
only sends actual content when there is a new version, relying more heavily on the user’s browser cache. My k6
tests (deliberately) weren’t sending the right headers (such as If-None-Match
) to benefit from the behaviour one might expect from a browser, and it was just requesting the same files over and over again with the equivalent of a cold/empty cache.
Reducing Allocations #
Now back to all those allocations, and the time spent in garbage collection as a result… gosherve
was spending about a third of it’s time in the io.ReadFile
function, and given the amount of time spent in garbage collection, any optimisation made to the number of allocations on the heap would likely yield another big performance increase.
The problem lied in the routeHandler
, where I was reading the entire contents of each file that was being served into memory. fs.ReadFile
makes an allocation the size of the file it’s reading, meaning the contents of the file end up on the heap. In a situation like our load test - this means the entire contents of my website ended up on the heap, and the Go runtime was busily garbage collecting to clean up.
I looked around at alternative ways to implement the same functionality in a more efficient manner. In Go 1.22, http.ServeFileFS
was introduced as a counterpart to http.ServeFile
. http.ServeFileFS
operates on an fs.FS
rather than the host filesystem. Under the hood, rather than reading the whole file into memory ServeFileFS
is using io.Copy
and thus io.copyBuffer
which allocates a single buffer that fits on the stack - fewer allocations means less memory usage, and less time spent occupying cores with garbage collection!
The change to gosherve
was pretty simple - you can see a slightly shortened diff below:
This change also necessitated a change to ETag calculation, which now only hashes the filename, size and modified time. There is a slight oddity in that files from an embedded filesystem have their timestamps all fixed (to avoid changes in static files messing with build reproducibility), but since the files cannot change during a binary’s lifetime, the ETag calculated from the modified timestamp is still just as valid.
I quickly made a new build of jnsgruk
using a locally referenced copy of gosherve
and ran k6
to check the outcome. You can explore the profile yourself on pprof.me:
Here you can clearly see that the runtime is spending much less time in garbage collection, and the call to io.Copy
without the calls to fs.ReadFile
. It’s now also much harder to spot the ETag generation - likely because we’re now only hashing a small string, rather than the whole file contents.
The k6
results came back as follows 🚀:
The Go server is now in the lead! There isn’t a huge margin here between the Rust server and the Go server, but this is about the sort of difference I was expecting based on the reading I’d done before doing the testing.
Profiling servy
? #
I did profile servy
using parca-agent
, but I’ve yet to look at the results in detail. The profile is a lot more complex (see below), partially as a result of how much work is going on under the hood when standing up an axum
server with hyper
, tower
and tokio
. I’m going to spend some more time with this profile over the coming weeks, but you can explore it for yourself on pprof.me.
If you do play with the profile on pprof.me
, try filtering by function name and entering servy
, and you’ll see the parts of the code I wrote highlighted on the profile to explore:
By the time you read this, the parca-agent
should be upstream into nixpkgs
, but in the mean time you can pull the package I included in the server-bench
repo and use that:
In my Nix example above, I’m sending profiles to Polar Signals Cloud, but you can also set the remote-store-address
to the address of a locally running parca
instance no problem.
Depending on the language you’re profiling, you’ll either need to include debug info in the binary you’re profiling (which is what I did), or upload your source/debug info manually. There are more instructions for that in the docs.
Final Results & Comparisons #
I wanted to gather some test results from all three targets across a number of different machine configurations; my website runs on a teeny-tiny Fly.io instance with 1 vCPU and 256MB RAM, so I was interested to see how performance changed on machines with varying configurations. I’ve included a summary in the table below which highlights just the data_received
measurement from each test, and you can see the full reports from k6
by expanding the details box:
Expand for full `k6` reports
1 vCPU/256MB RAM/1 VUs - gosherve
checks.........................: 100.00% ✓ 23322 ✗ 0 data_received..................: 2.6 GB 86 MB/s data_sent......................: 3.1 MB 105 kB/s http_req_blocked...............: avg=2.41µs min=400ns med=1.28µs max=1.04ms p(90)=1.87µs p(95)=2.27µs http_req_connecting............: avg=50ns min=0s med=0s max=508.13µs p(90)=0s p(95)=0s http_req_duration..............: avg=7.57ms min=49.54µs med=7.71ms max=143.13ms p(90)=9.42ms p(95)=10.65ms { expected_response:true }...: avg=7.57ms min=49.54µs med=7.71ms max=143.13ms p(90)=9.42ms p(95)=10.65ms http_req_failed................: 0.00% ✓ 0 ✗ 23322 http_req_receiving.............: avg=98.03µs min=4.46µs med=57.25µs max=7.69ms p(90)=177.19µs p(95)=250.6µs http_req_sending...............: avg=5.7µs min=970ns med=3.1µs max=480.07µs p(90)=4.79µs p(95)=9.26µs http_req_tls_handshaking.......: avg=0s min=0s med=0s max=0s p(90)=0s p(95)=0s http_req_waiting...............: avg=7.47ms min=37.26µs med=7.62ms max=142.9ms p(90)=9.24ms p(95)=10.33ms http_reqs......................: 23322 776.881114/s iteration_duration.............: avg=217.52ms min=187.06ms med=198.66ms max=359.52ms p(90)=276.89ms p(95)=280.19ms iterations.....................: 138 4.59693/s vus............................: 1 min=1 max=1 vus_max........................: 1 min=1 max=1
1 vCPU/256MB RAM/1 VUs - gosherve
checks.........................: 100.00% ✓ 158691 ✗ 0 data_received..................: 18 GB 587 MB/s data_sent......................: 21 MB 714 kB/s http_req_blocked...............: avg=1.89µs min=379ns med=1.08µs max=1.15ms p(90)=1.62µs p(95)=1.98µs http_req_connecting............: avg=11ns min=0s med=0s max=655.05µs p(90)=0s p(95)=0s http_req_duration..............: avg=1.04ms min=48.25µs med=537.57µs max=31.33ms p(90)=2.63ms p(95)=3.66ms { expected_response:true }...: avg=1.04ms min=48.25µs med=537.57µs max=31.33ms p(90)=2.63ms p(95)=3.66ms http_req_failed................: 0.00% ✓ 0 ✗ 158691 http_req_receiving.............: avg=91.12µs min=3.66µs med=20.8µs max=23.05ms p(90)=156.29µs p(95)=287.17µs http_req_sending...............: avg=6.47µs min=900ns med=2.57µs max=2.22ms p(90)=4.06µs p(95)=6.21µs http_req_tls_handshaking.......: avg=0s min=0s med=0s max=0s p(90)=0s p(95)=0s http_req_waiting...............: avg=949.02µs min=35.88µs med=466.14µs max=31.3ms p(90)=2.46ms p(95)=3.47ms http_reqs......................: 158691 5287.057691/s iteration_duration.............: avg=31.95ms min=21.16ms med=30.39ms max=107.46ms p(90)=36.19ms p(95)=41.18ms iterations.....................: 939 31.284365/s vus............................: 1 min=1 max=1 vus_max........................: 1 min=1 max=1
1 vCPU/256MB RAM/1 VUs - servy
checks.........................: 100.00% ✓ 148213 ✗ 0 data_received..................: 16 GB 547 MB/s data_sent......................: 18 MB 605 kB/s http_req_blocked...............: avg=1.5µs min=350ns med=971ns max=1.11ms p(90)=1.48µs p(95)=1.82µs http_req_connecting............: avg=11ns min=0s med=0s max=451.97µs p(90)=0s p(95)=0s http_req_duration..............: avg=928.79µs min=69.84µs med=671.38µs max=55.59ms p(90)=1.57ms p(95)=2.18ms { expected_response:true }...: avg=928.79µs min=69.84µs med=671.38µs max=55.59ms p(90)=1.57ms p(95)=2.18ms http_req_failed................: 0.00% ✓ 0 ✗ 148213 http_req_receiving.............: avg=136.98µs min=3.76µs med=17.14µs max=46.31ms p(90)=103.7µs p(95)=192.52µs http_req_sending...............: avg=5.33µs min=890ns med=2.35µs max=2.99ms p(90)=3.69µs p(95)=5.05µs http_req_tls_handshaking.......: avg=0s min=0s med=0s max=0s p(90)=0s p(95)=0s http_req_waiting...............: avg=786.47µs min=55.89µs med=629.47µs max=17.92ms p(90)=1.43ms p(95)=1.96ms http_reqs......................: 148213 4940.080272/s iteration_duration.............: avg=34.19ms min=16.57ms med=25.68ms max=109.45ms p(90)=55.08ms p(95)=57.83ms iterations.....................: 877 29.231244/s vus............................: 1 min=1 max=1 vus_max........................: 1 min=1 max=1
2 vCPU/4GB RAM/10 VUs - gosherve
checks.........................: 100.00% ✓ 116272 ✗ 0 data_received..................: 13 GB 426 MB/s data_sent......................: 16 MB 518 kB/s http_req_blocked...............: avg=2.25µs min=380ns med=1.06µs max=4.3ms p(90)=1.69µs p(95)=2.05µs http_req_connecting............: avg=475ns min=0s med=0s max=4.27ms p(90)=0s p(95)=0s http_req_duration..............: avg=15.37ms min=29.8µs med=14.28ms max=145.82ms p(90)=24.79ms p(95)=29.78ms { expected_response:true }...: avg=15.37ms min=29.8µs med=14.28ms max=145.82ms p(90)=24.79ms p(95)=29.78ms http_req_failed................: 0.00% ✓ 0 ✗ 116272 http_req_receiving.............: avg=174.41µs min=4.15µs med=28.84µs max=21.95ms p(90)=241.72µs p(95)=703.97µs http_req_sending...............: avg=7.22µs min=890ns med=2.98µs max=5.58ms p(90)=5.8µs p(95)=9.15µs http_req_tls_handshaking.......: avg=0s min=0s med=0s max=0s p(90)=0s p(95)=0s http_req_waiting...............: avg=15.19ms min=22.98µs med=14.11ms max=144.5ms p(90)=24.48ms p(95)=29.37ms http_reqs......................: 116272 3837.442876/s iteration_duration.............: avg=439.41ms min=323.27ms med=430.04ms max=567.74ms p(90)=505.87ms p(95)=516.96ms iterations.....................: 688 22.706763/s vus............................: 10 min=10 max=10 vus_max........................: 10 min=10 max=10
2 vCPU/4GB RAM/10 VUs - gosherve
checks.........................: 100.00% ✓ 362167 ✗ 0 data_received..................: 40 GB 1.3 GB/s data_sent......................: 49 MB 1.6 MB/s http_req_blocked...............: avg=2.23µs min=360ns med=770ns max=12.31ms p(90)=1.34µs p(95)=1.66µs http_req_connecting............: avg=117ns min=0s med=0s max=1.84ms p(90)=0s p(95)=0s http_req_duration..............: avg=4.7ms min=32.38µs med=3.94ms max=47.81ms p(90)=9.04ms p(95)=11.63ms { expected_response:true }...: avg=4.7ms min=32.38µs med=3.94ms max=47.81ms p(90)=9.04ms p(95)=11.63ms http_req_failed................: 0.00% ✓ 0 ✗ 362167 http_req_receiving.............: avg=196.28µs min=3.38µs med=15.42µs max=25.62ms p(90)=142.41µs p(95)=896.21µs http_req_sending...............: avg=8.44µs min=890ns med=2.19µs max=18.13ms p(90)=3.63µs p(95)=6.34µs http_req_tls_handshaking.......: avg=0s min=0s med=0s max=0s p(90)=0s p(95)=0s http_req_waiting...............: avg=4.5ms min=25.57µs med=3.77ms max=45.46ms p(90)=8.74ms p(95)=11.13ms http_reqs......................: 362167 12040.737924/s iteration_duration.............: avg=140.21ms min=80.54ms med=139.82ms max=221.91ms p(90)=153.25ms p(95)=157.95ms iterations.....................: 2143 71.24697/s vus............................: 10 min=10 max=10 vus_max........................: 10 min=10 max=10
2 vCPU/4GB RAM/10 VUs - servy
checks.........................: 100.00% ✓ 464412 ✗ 0 data_received..................: 51 GB 1.7 GB/s data_sent......................: 57 MB 1.9 MB/s http_req_blocked...............: avg=1.99µs min=360ns med=720ns max=14.38ms p(90)=1.13µs p(95)=1.42µs http_req_connecting............: avg=92ns min=0s med=0s max=6.71ms p(90)=0s p(95)=0s http_req_duration..............: avg=3.67ms min=44.91µs med=3.07ms max=60.17ms p(90)=5.9ms p(95)=7.98ms { expected_response:true }...: avg=3.67ms min=44.91µs med=3.07ms max=60.17ms p(90)=5.9ms p(95)=7.98ms http_req_failed................: 0.00% ✓ 0 ✗ 464412 http_req_receiving.............: avg=206.58µs min=3.41µs med=14.06µs max=56.96ms p(90)=56.97µs p(95)=143.43µs http_req_sending...............: avg=7.12µs min=870ns med=1.62µs max=14.84ms p(90)=3.01µs p(95)=5.78µs http_req_tls_handshaking.......: avg=0s min=0s med=0s max=0s p(90)=0s p(95)=0s http_req_waiting...............: avg=3.45ms min=35.61µs med=3.01ms max=24.64ms p(90)=5.7ms p(95)=7.54ms http_reqs......................: 464412 15448.582291/s iteration_duration.............: avg=109.3ms min=63.59ms med=108.88ms max=161.77ms p(90)=120.71ms p(95)=124.65ms iterations.....................: 2748 91.41173/s vus............................: 10 min=10 max=10 vus_max........................: 10 min=10 max=10
16 vCPU/16GB RAM/10 VUs - gosherve
checks.........................: 100.00% ✓ 119990 ✗ 0 data_received..................: 13 GB 439 MB/s data_sent......................: 16 MB 534 kB/s http_req_blocked...............: avg=2.05µs min=440ns med=1.55µs max=972.62µs p(90)=2.32µs p(95)=2.74µs http_req_connecting............: avg=38ns min=0s med=0s max=275.54µs p(90)=0s p(95)=0s http_req_duration..............: avg=14.82ms min=35.49µs med=15.16ms max=148.26ms p(90)=21.12ms p(95)=23.89ms { expected_response:true }...: avg=14.82ms min=35.49µs med=15.16ms max=148.26ms p(90)=21.12ms p(95)=23.89ms http_req_failed................: 0.00% ✓ 0 ✗ 119990 http_req_receiving.............: avg=104.7µs min=5.07µs med=43.71µs max=8.96ms p(90)=228.22µs p(95)=396.05µs http_req_sending...............: avg=4.52µs min=940ns med=3.99µs max=944.81µs p(90)=6.28µs p(95)=7.86µs http_req_tls_handshaking.......: avg=0s min=0s med=0s max=0s p(90)=0s p(95)=0s http_req_waiting...............: avg=14.71ms min=23.97µs med=15.05ms max=148.25ms p(90)=20.95ms p(95)=23.7ms http_reqs......................: 119990 3957.203279/s iteration_duration.............: avg=426.57ms min=343.33ms med=422.38ms max=526.97ms p(90)=491ms p(95)=502.47ms iterations.....................: 710 23.415404/s vus............................: 10 min=10 max=10 vus_max........................: 10 min=10 max=10
16 vCPU/16GB RAM/10 VUs - gosherve
checks.........................: 100.00% ✓ 1297244 ✗ 0 data_received..................: 144 GB 4.8 GB/s data_sent......................: 175 MB 5.8 MB/s http_req_blocked...............: avg=2.83µs min=419ns med=1.63µs max=7.97ms p(90)=2.95µs p(95)=3.78µs http_req_connecting............: avg=2ns min=0s med=0s max=142.69µs p(90)=0s p(95)=0s http_req_duration..............: avg=1.22ms min=31.96µs med=697.97µs max=36.9ms p(90)=3.16ms p(95)=4.07ms { expected_response:true }...: avg=1.22ms min=31.96µs med=697.97µs max=36.9ms p(90)=3.16ms p(95)=4.07ms http_req_failed................: 0.00% ✓ 0 ✗ 1297244 http_req_receiving.............: avg=234.98µs min=4.21µs med=39.77µs max=35.6ms p(90)=640.71µs p(95)=1.24ms http_req_sending...............: avg=7.19µs min=930ns med=3.91µs max=30.11ms p(90)=6.84µs p(95)=9.22µs http_req_tls_handshaking.......: avg=0s min=0s med=0s max=0s p(90)=0s p(95)=0s http_req_waiting...............: avg=980.01µs min=19.74µs med=465.75µs max=16.64ms p(90)=2.75ms p(95)=3.68ms http_reqs......................: 1297244 43221.02723/s iteration_duration.............: avg=39.08ms min=23.12ms med=38.84ms max=76ms p(90)=43.87ms p(95)=45.71ms iterations.....................: 7676 255.745723/s vus............................: 10 min=10 max=10 vus_max........................: 10 min=10 max=10
16 vCPU/16GB RAM/10 VUs - servy
checks.........................: 100.00% ✓ 1407770 ✗ 0 data_received..................: 156 GB 5.2 GB/s data_sent......................: 172 MB 5.7 MB/s http_req_blocked...............: avg=2.28µs min=420ns med=1.64µs max=3.96ms p(90)=3µs p(95)=3.94µs http_req_connecting............: avg=2ns min=0s med=0s max=292.26µs p(90)=0s p(95)=0s http_req_duration..............: avg=512.52µs min=40.21µs med=177.39µs max=45.65ms p(90)=444.41µs p(95)=623.84µs { expected_response:true }...: avg=512.52µs min=40.21µs med=177.39µs max=45.65ms p(90)=444.41µs p(95)=623.84µs http_req_failed................: 0.00% ✓ 0 ✗ 1407770 http_req_receiving.............: avg=324.43µs min=4.02µs med=26.56µs max=45.31ms p(90)=88.04µs p(95)=147.94µs http_req_sending...............: avg=4.33µs min=969ns med=3.35µs max=4.11ms p(90)=5.86µs p(95)=7.31µs http_req_tls_handshaking.......: avg=0s min=0s med=0s max=0s p(90)=0s p(95)=0s http_req_waiting...............: avg=183.74µs min=31.45µs med=132.09µs max=8.96ms p(90)=344.35µs p(95)=465.04µs http_reqs......................: 1407770 46854.747614/s iteration_duration.............: avg=36.03ms min=5.19ms med=45.31ms max=77.29ms p(90)=48.06ms p(95)=48.95ms iterations.....................: 8330 277.247027/s vus............................: 10 min=10 max=10 vus_max........................: 10 min=10 max=10
gosherve (old) | gosherve | servy | |
1 vCPU/256MB RAM/1 VUs | 86MB/s | 587MB/s | 547MB/s |
2 vCPU/4GB RAM/10 VUs | 426MB/s | 1.3GB/s | 1.7GB/s |
16 vCPU/16GB RAM/10 VUs | 439MB/s | 4.8GB/s | 5.2GB/s |
Interestingly, it seems that the servy
variant actually outperformed gosherve
again in these VM-based tests, where it didn’t when run directly on my machine. In any case, the gap is now much smaller between the two, and gosherve
still seems to maintain an edge on very small machines.
Note I had to drop the VUs to 1
on the smallest iteration, or I was seeing all three of the variants getting OOM-killed!
I also added a new flake input in the server-bench
repo that adds the gosherve
based repo again, but pinned to the pre-optimised version.
As such, if you want to try reproducing any of these results and measure old vs. new vs. servy
, you just need to do the following:
The results will be gathered in a collection of summary-*.<txt|html|json>
files for you to inspect.
Summary #
This was supposed to be a blog about learning Rust, but I’m pleased with where it ended up! This was by no means a particularly in-depth dive into measuring the performance of web servers, focusing almost entirely on the request throughput. There are other factors that could be taken into consideration - such as the resulting memory pressure on the machine, CPU usage, etc. I may come back to this in another post with more comprehensive measurement of both.
Hopefully this post illustrated the power of load testing and profiling tools - even when only used at quite a surface level, and demonstrated how Nix can be used to create robust structures around existing tools to help with such workflows.
I owe a thank you to Frederic from Polar Signals, who gave me a bunch of helpful tips along the way while I was using Parca and profiling gosherve
. After my initial improvement in the request handler, Frederic helped me track down and remove the use of fs.ReadFile
and further improve the performance of gosherve
I’m still very early in my Rust development, so if you’ve spotted something horrible in servy
, or you’ve got experience with k6
and parca
, then reach out and let me know! I’d love to see the creative ways people use these tools.
The performance gap between servy
and gosherve
is now quite narrow. Close enough, in fact, that they seem to win over one another depending on different conditions in the test environment, and never by a particularly high margin. I haven’t migrated this site over yet, but perhaps I will in the near future. Besides, Fly.io are already kindly limiting the damage that can be done by too many requests for me!
See you next time!